Hello and welcome to the MOTAR Unity SDK Tutorial! The objective of this tutorial is to demonstrate all of MOTAR's module capabilities. -------------------------------------------------------- Controls: ( VR Device ) - Use the Trigger button to interact with any UI element. - Use the Grip button to interact with any grabbable object. - Press UP on the Joystick to activate teleporting. While teleport is active, press the Grip button to confirm teleportation location and move the player. After moving, teleportation will deactivate. If the player wishes to deactivate teleportation while active, simply press UP again on the Joystick. ( Keyboard ) - If using the XR Device Simulator to control the player, please refer to the tutorial documentation for an in depth list of controls. -------------------------------------------------------- Objective: The player is tasked with investigating a mysterious UFO that crashed into a barn on the outskirts of town. What could possibly be lurking inside?? It's your goal to find out!