Create Vendor
Go to setting.

Go to Vendor tab.

Click on +Vendor button.

Enter the details in the Create Vendor page and click on Save button.

Added Vendor shown on the top.

Edit Vendor
Recruiter can choose to edit the vendor that they have created.
To edit vendor.
Go to Vendor Tab.

Click on the Action menu (3 vertical dots) for the record which recruiter would like to edit and click the Edit button.

Make the necessary changes and click Save.

Delete Vendor
Examiner once added can be deleted if no longer necessary
To delete vendor
Go to Vendor tab

Click on the Action menu (3 vertical dots) for the record which recruiter would like to delete and click the Delete button.

Give your confirmation in the popup and the record will be deleted.

View Vendor Details
Recruiter can choose to view the vendor that you have created.
To view vendor
Go to Vendor Tab.

Click on the Action menu (3 vertical dots) for the record which recruiter would like to view and click the View button.

Recruiter can see all details of Vendor.

Recruiter can share the vendor login credentials with the vendor
Select the vendor's checkbox and click on Share.

After clicking, a pop-up window will appear showing the vendor details. Click on Share.

After clicking on Share, an email notification will be sent to the vendor with the login credentials.

Last updated